The Subaru WRX From Baby Driver is for Sale and we Want it

The Subaru WRX From Baby Driver is for Sale and we Want it

If you haven’t seen the film Baby Driver, we highly suggest you go and do so. It’s overflowing with well-made chase scenes, good music and most importantly, cars – the coolest of which could now be yours.

opens with an epic chase scene featuring a red Subaru WRX. The car is just obscure enough to appeal to enthusiasts while remaining understated enough to be appropriate for robbing a bank. We would have loved it even if it wasn’t the star of the best chase scene in what has so far proven to be our favorite film of 2017, so you can imagine our elation when we saw it pop up for sale on eBay.

The example for sale is a stunt car from the movie and was also at the red carpet event for the Los Angeles premiere. It started out life as a gray WRX but was painted red to match the movie’s star car. It was also converted to rear-wheel drive, fitted with an upgraded differential and given the turbocharger from a 2004 STi. The seller lists the car as in good condition but notes that it has some dings and scratches from filming, which is to be expected.

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As of this writing, the WRX has attracted 29 bids, with the highest bidder offering up $27,600. That’s may seem like a lot of money for a 2006 Subaru WRX with 156,000 miles on the odometer, but when you consider that it was the star of what may prove to be one of the best driving-themed films of our time, it’s pennies. There are still four days left to bid, however, so the price of this red Subie is likely set to rise considerably.

If it’s still up, you can check out the listing at this link.

[Source: Jalopnik]

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