How to Repair a Vacuum Leak in Your Car

A vacuum leak in your car could cause it to ride differently than normal. If you suspect that there is a break in your vacuum line causing a leak, then it is best to replace the vacuum line completely. If you are inexperienced with cars and vacuum lines, then this may be a challenging task that requires you to find a good mechanic to help. However, if you know your way around cars then replacing the vacuum line may take no time at all if you take it to this auto repair shop near me.

Step 1 – Find the Leak

To find out for sure if there is a leak you must first visually inspect the line. When inspecting the line look for holes or tiny breaks in the line. While the hose is made of tough rubber it doesn’t take much to break the line enough to cause a leak. If the vacuum line is relatively new then you can check to see if the line has rubbed against other lines causing a break. If the line is old then you need to check around the fitting and engine parts for a break or again a rubbed portion of the line. Often tiny holes can go undetected and you just assume that the line is fine. Do not make that mistake, replace the line anyway.

Step 2 – Purchase New Lines

Once you find the leak or decide to replace the lines any way you have to purchase a new vacuum line. If you have experience with this type of problem then you can simply visit your local auto parts store to pick up a new line. If you are not sure of what you should be buying then remove the line from the car, bring it with you to the auto parts store and have a professional match the lines for you.

Step 3 – Replace the Line

When replacing the line you have 2 options:

Option 1: Replace a Section of the Line

In some cases, the entire line does not have to be replaced. Instead, you may elect to simply repair or replace the section of the line that is broken or rubbed. To do this remove the broken section and replace it with a new section of the vacuum line. Cut the new vacuum line to the correct size using scissors or a knife. Then simply replace the old with the new. Use your line fitting to secure the new line in place.

Option 2: Replace the Entire Line

If you are unsure about where the problem is on the vacuum line, then you should replace the entire line. In this case, you will not cut out any sections; you will remove the old line completely and begin installing the new one. This option is a little more time consuming as you must replace the line one section at a time. Use your line fittings to secure the new vacuum line in place. You can get more detail here!

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