5 important road signs you should not miss

5 important road signs you should not miss

5 important road signs you should not miss

5 important road signs you should not miss

Road signs perform the crucial function of notifying motorists of regulations, providing warning to potential hazards and guiding them to their destinations safely. The road signs in our country have been heavily influenced by the system used in the UK, utilising symbols rather than words to convey their message. Symbols provide instant communication with road users, helping overcome language barriers. However, it is necessary for road users to be familiar with these symbols in order to maintain safety and efficiency. Here are five road signs that you need to follow absolutely – 

No standing or parking

A ‘No standing or parking’ sign prohibits road users from stopping their vehicle in the area. While a ‘No Parking’ only prohibits users from leaving their vehicle parked and/or unattended, you are allowed to halt for small durations and to drop off or pick up a passenger. The ‘No standing or parking’ sign though absolutely forbids you from stopping at any given time.

5 important road signs you should not miss

Pedestrian crossing

A pedestrian crossing, commonly known as a zebra crossing, is a designated part of a road for the pedestrians to cross. Pedestrians have the right of way through these sections. The regulations require motorists to stop and give way to a pedestrian intending to cross the road through a zebra crossing.

5 important road signs you should not miss

Give way

A ‘Give Way’ sign usually warns motorists of an impending junction ahead. It indicates that the motorist must prepare to stop if necessary to let a motorist from the opposite lane pass, thus giving the oncoming traffic a higher priority.

5 important road signs you should not miss


In a country which accounts for about 10 per cent of road accident fatalities worldwide, the ‘Hospital’ sign can be saviour for many. It indicates the presence of a hospital in the vicinity, for those in need of medical attention as well as a caution sign for motorists to be careful of the surroundings.

5 important road signs you should not miss

Speed limit

One might argue that the speed limits in our country are too stringent. But it is necessary to remember that these speed regulations have been devised keeping in mind the capabilities of an average driver, the environment you are in and the capabilities of the vehicles plying on the road. So even if you consider yourself to be as good as Michael Schumacher, always adhere to the speed limits. 

5 important road signs you should not miss


5 important road signs you should not miss

5 important road signs you should not miss

5 important road signs you should not miss

5 important road signs you should not miss

5 important road signs you should not miss

5 important road signs you should not miss

5 important road signs you should not miss

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