Long Drive Ahead?
The winter was a real bastard. If you reside in or even just passed through the northern part of America at some point during the last four months you know exactly what I’m talking about. As the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. But fool me 87 times and you’re a total jerk. Do you hear me Old Man Winter?! Having survived one storm after another, the devastation of multiple polar vortices (whatever the hell they are) and mind-numbing, frost-biting, extremity-blackening cold, the season is finally winding down. At long last the sun is starting to shine a bit more and spring is mercifully around the corner. With nicer weather within sight it’s time to take a break, go on a vacation or just plain get out of town to beat the winter blues. Road-trip season is nearly upon us; are you ready? Here’s a list of 10 vehicles that are perfect for taking on a cross-country drive.