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Top 10 Most Valuable Car Brands

Minnesota Dave
4 Min Read

The 2016 BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands list has been released.

The study is conducted by market researcher Millward Brown and breaks down brand values of worldwide companies and this year, Google topped the list with a brand value of $229 billion. Apple wasn’t far beyond Google at $228.4 billion in second place, although Microsoft at third place has a brand value of $121.8 billion, proving that Google and Apple are significantly ahead of the competition.

SEE ALSO: Top 5 Most Popular Car Brands for Millennials

But how did automakers fare? Here are the top 10 most valuable car brands on this year’s list.

10. Tesla

Perhaps the biggest surprise is Tesla making an appearance on the list after not ranking last year. Although the American electric automaker didn’t rank in the top 100 global brands, its value came in at $4.4 billion, helping it overtake the number-10 spot from Lexus.

9. Porsche

Like Tesla, Porsche didn’t rank in the top 100 global brands, nor was it ranked in the top 10 of automotive last year. But it now has a value of $4.4 billion after having one of its most successful years in history.

8. Land Rover

Valued at $4.7 billion, Land Rover also didn’t crack the top 100 global brands and dropped five overall spots compared to last year.

7. Audi

Audi dropped six overall spots to seventh place and is valued at $9.5 billion. Unfortunately that also wasn’t good enough to land it in the top 100 global brands.

6. Nissan

Nissan is the first automaker to make an appearance on the overall top 100 global brands list, coming in 92nd place with a value of $11.5 billion. The Japanese automaker’s brand value changed one percent compared to 2015 while moving up one rank in the overall top 100 list.

5. Ford

Ford jumped five overall spots on the top 100 global brands list to finish 75th place in 2016. Valued at $13 billion, Ford’s brand value didn’t change year-over-year.

4. Honda

If Honda isn’t careful, Ford might overtake it on the list. Finishing 74th overall, Honda is valued at $13.2 billion but its brand value dropped one percent compared to 2015. It did however move up four spots on the overall list.

3. Mercedes-Benz

Valued at $22.7 billion, Mercedes-Benz is 39th place overall after moving up four spots. Its brand value increased four percent compared to 2015.

2. BMW

But BMW continues to be the strongest German automaker on the list, finishing in 33rd place overall. Its brand value comes in at $26.8 billion after increasing two percent over 2015. It moved up one spot this year.

1. Toyota

Toyota has been the number-one automaker on the list nine of the 11 years the study has been conducted. This year, the Japanese automaker is valued at $29.5 billion after its value increased two percent compared to 2015. It also moved up two spots on the overall list.

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